Enlarging Photos Then and Now (Part 2)

Enlarging Photos Then and Now (Part 2)

Many of us have scanners and simple photo editing software on our home computers. Enlarging a print correctly and at high quality means calculating the size you want the new print to be before you even scan it. When a photo looks blocky or pixelated, what is the...
Enlarging Photos Then and Now (Part 1)

Enlarging Photos Then and Now (Part 1)

Not too long ago, it you wanted to enlarge a photo, you would have needed a negative. How does photo enlargement work, both analog and digital? And if you want a photo enlarged now, how do you get it done? Before digital photography, most photos were prints made from...
Protecting your photos during an emergency

Protecting your photos during an emergency

As many of my readers are in Florida with Irma approaching, here is some evergreen advice to protect your photos in the event of an evacuation. First, whether you’re evacuating or not back up your computer, external hard drives, and photos on your phone. Backblaze is...
Touring Kenya in the 1970s

Touring Kenya in the 1970s

Recently I was contacted by someone who was in the process of moving from her long-time home to an assisted living facility. She said she had 15 slide carousels from several trips to Kenya that she wouldn’t have space for in the new apartment. She didn’t use a...
Gasparilla’s Golden Jubilee

Gasparilla’s Golden Jubilee

A couple of years ago I met with a friend’s elderly father who had no fewer than 3 generations of photos (spanning more than 100 years) that needed attention. He seemed doubtful that anyone had any interest in the photos but himself! But as soon as we started...